You have the best idea for a product.

You’ve worked on it for hours and hours, drawing furiously at your desk and working with artists to make your ideas come to life.

Now you need to find someone who can make it for you.

You have a problem, though. You’ve never made a product before, and you don’t know how to start or how to meet with manufacturers.

You’re in luck because this is the best place to begin.

We will go over Kian Golzari’s tips for finding the best Chinese supplier to make your ideas come to life in this piece. He has bought more than 2,500 items from China, so you can be sure that he knows a thing or two that will save you a lot of time, money, and grief.

Why go to China?
To begin, why pick China? Surely a place closer to home would be a better place to get what you need?

A local supplier may be closer and let you proudly stamp your brand with “Made in [insert region],” but they don’t give you as many choices as Chinese manufacturers.


China has the most production options and variety of any country in the world. This makes cost the main benefit of working with a Chinese manufacturer. Plus, today’s technology makes it easier than ever to find a trustworthy maker, even if you don’t speak the same language.

If you choose a Chinese provider, you’ll probably save money, which will let you lower the prices of your goods or make more money. And having more ways to make things means you can make new products in the future.

Don’t Miss: How to Find a Trustworthy Manufacturer

How to Find a Chinese Manufacturer
We now know why choosing a Chinese seller is a good idea. Let’s look at Kian Golzari’s method for finding a high-quality and

trustworthy supplier. By following this method, which he has improved over the years, he has been able to get more than 2,500 items from China.

First, go to
Golzari says that the first place you should go to find a Chinese provider is Alibaba. Alibaba has becomeknown as the best place to buy things from China


over the last ten years. It connects users with makers and makes it easy to start a new relationship that works for everyone.

Use filters to look for your goods.
When you start looking for something on the site for the first time, it’s easy to get lost in all the choices. Because of this, it might seem like too much to handle and such a significant choice needs to be made.

Good news: Golzari has already told you about a bunch of different filters and things you can watch out for.

Look for a confirmed manufacturer
Golzari suggests that you start your search for goods by manufacturer instead of by product. And then you can choose “Verified Manufacturers.” This will only show you results from manufacturers whose information has been checked and cleared by a third party.

For instance, if they say they have 100 workers, you can be sure that they are telling the truth.
Decide on trade security
Golzari also says to choose “trade assurance” from the menu on the left. This will make sure you work with an insured manufacturer in case there are problems with your order. In the unlucky event that you find out your order is wrong, this will cover you.

Check out the place
In The Product Blueprint training, Golzari talks about how each part of China is set up to specialise in different kinds of goods. Because of this, he says to choose a maker in a place that shows up a lot in search results for that product.

Choose a professional
Next, you should check to see if the company you’re thinking about is known for making the product you need.

That makes sure they have built their image around your product and gives you more faith that the partnership will work out.

Step 2: Talk to makers you don’t want to work with.
Finally, you have found a maker after using your filters. Now it’s time to make a shortlist.

When you look for the best choices on the website, you may see seals of approval and verifications for things you have no idea what they are! Don’t worry; that’s normal for people who are buying their first home.

There is a smart way for Golzari to get this information from you without making you look like a beginner in front of your possible supplier. That could change how they treat you during the negotiations.

Instead of asking one of the makers you’re considering directly what the badge means, find another manufacturer you don’t want to work with but has the same badge and ask them what it means.

Their staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have, and you won’t look like a beginner to your provider.

Step 3: Use Kian Golzari’s 10-5-3-1 chart.
Here’s what Golzari does to give himself the best chance of success when he’s looking for a new company to make his product:

10. Choose 10 makers to put on your short list.
5: Pick 5 of those 10 items that you feel good about going forward with.
3. Get examples from three of those five companies to compare costs, quality, and other important factors.
1. Choose the maker you want to use.
Continue to Learn: The MOQ stands for “minimum order quantity.” Find out what it means for your business.

Get your plan for finding products.
Kian Golzari’s free training will teach you everything you need to know about how to get the best goods from China. It goes into much more detail about the things we’ve already talked about. Trust his many years of experience buying things from Asia.

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